The NovoEd Salesforce App assumes that NovoEd is the source of truth for courses, enrollments and enrollment status. The app enables saving this data in tables owned and managed by the app. If enabled by the customer and if provided with mapping, it maps the data from the Salesforce tables managed by NovoEd into tables that belong to the customer in their Salesforce instance.
Before installing the NovoEd Salesforce Sync app, please contact Customer Success for them to configure your organization in NovoEd for the app.
You will need to decide if you want to enable historical sync (all closed or ended courses) and let your Customer Success representative know this as well.
Finally, you must have a user that is both a Salesforce admin and a NovoEd Org admin to install and connect the NovoEd Sync app.
- If you are using multiple instances of Salesforce such dev, test, live etc. Please ensure to have separate accounts for each instance. Although it is possible to connect your instance using multiple Org admins, you will only need one unique one per instance.
- NovoEd utilizes version 26 of the Salesforce API.
*NOTE: Please inform NovoEd Support team if you wish to sync historical data with the Salesforce Sync App. Salesforce Sync only syncs new data once connected, unless otherwise specified.
After NovoEd Customer Success notifies you that your organization is enabled for the Salesforce Sync app, you may proceed with the installation
The Salesforce app can currently be installed by a Salesforce Admin with the following URL, modified for your custom domain as needed:
If your custom domain is “myinstitution.my.salesforce.com," then “login.salesforce.com” in the URL above needs to be replaced with your custom domain.
Example: https://myinstitution.my.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t2L000000Iwgp
This app will be marked as “Beta” at this time before it is submitted to App Exchange. This is planned in the future.
Please Note: When installing, give access to Admins only.
Launch and Connect App
The NovoEd app can be launched from the App Launcher in Salesforce in order to connect to NovoEd for syncing.
Launching will show a “NovoEd Setup tab that may be used to connect with NovoEd via OAUTH. Please authenticate to NovoEd with an Org Admin account.
When prompted to allow NovoEd.com to allow access to basic information and to access and manage your data, please select Allow.
Viewing Synced Data
After connecting, the app will sync course, enrollment, and user data.
**IMPORTANT NOTE: The NovoEd/Salesforce Admin must be logged into the NovoEd platform for the application to sync successfully.
The app has tabs with default views for each of these data sources. You may also create custom views.
Data Dictionary
Here are the data sources that NovoEd will keep updated in NovoEd-controlled salesforce tables:
Courses table
- varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL
- int(11) NOT NULL
- varchar(255) NOT NULL, UNIQUE
- varchar(255) NOT NULL, UNIQUE
- int(11) NOT NULL
- datetime DEFAULT NULL
- datetime DEFAULT NULL
- datetime DEFAULT NULL
- datetime DEFAULT NULL
- tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0'
- int(11) DEFAULT '0’
- Values:
- 0 - Free and open to public
- 1 - Paid
- 2 - Free with paid certificate
- 3 - Closed Enrollment
- 4 - Open enrollment within your organization
- int(11) DEFAULT NULL
- text
- name
- id
- catalog_id
- parent_course_catalog_id
- parent_course_id
- official_release_date
- release_date
- end_date
- close_date
- is_self_paced
- type_of_registration
- enrollment_limit_in_days
- description
Learners table:
- VARCHAR(255)
- varchar(255) NOT NULL
- varchar(255) NOT NULL
- varchar(255) NOT NULL
- int(11) NOT NULL
- varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL
- varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL
- varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL
- varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL
- external_id
- first_name
- last_name
- Id
- city
- state
- country
- headline
Enrollments table:
- int(11) NOT NULL
- int(11) NOT NULL
- datetime DEFAULT NULL
- int(11) DEFAULT '0'
- Values:
- 0 -> not completed
- 1 -> passed automatically
- 2 -> manually granted passed status
- datetime DEFAULT NULL
- tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0'
- tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0'
- tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0'
- varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL
- user_id
- course_id
- enrollment_date
- completion_status: not passes, auto passed, manually passed
- auto_passed_at
- is_instructor
- is_teaching_assisstant
- is_mentor
- custom_role